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five steps to take care of your feet,خمس خطوات للعناية بقدميك..cinq étapes pour prendre soin de vos pieds

Published on: jeudi 1 janvier 2015 //

  1. first You must make the diabetic patient understand that the loss of a foot and leg is not just something that could happen to them, but something is going to happen if the care and attention n is not given on a regular basis.
  2. Inform the person with diabetes that the feet are clean and dry. Soaking the feet is not recommended as it could be bacteria in the water and if there is a break in the skin, infection could put it in Use warm water and soap. dry the feet especially between the toes where moisture can get trapped. You can put the cream on the bottom of the foot where you might have rough skin, and the powder between the toes to keep them dry.
  3. Cut nails straight and not too short so as not to cut the skin or cause a little skin.
  4. Every day, a thorough review of both feet to look for cuts, abrasions or other injuries. If you find something, do not try to treat yourself, but call your doctor and follow his advice.
  5. Never walk barefoot, even in your own home. Always wear slippers, sandals, shoes, or always wear socks with your shoes. Make sure the shoes you wear tight fitting and are not waterproof. Blisters caused by new shoes can be a real problem for a diabetic to never "they expect percent" no.

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