CATARACT : NURSING CARE AFTER SURGERY..الماء الأبيض.الساد،الكاتاراكت
Published on: lundi 8 septembre 2014 //
Infirmier polyvalent
المياه البيضاء، الساد، إعتام عدسة العين، الكتاراكت Cataract
- The operated eye care:
- Do not rub the operated eye, do not compress the eye
- Avoid contact of the operated eye with tap water and soap when washing the face and showers
- Use a clean, damp towel to clean the face
- To wash your hair, cover your face with a clean towel to avoid contact with the operated eye and head back towards the rear to wash
- Before you use drops, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. the same rule is to be met by the person who will carry out this task.
- Wipe eyes with clean fabrics with closed eyelids.
2. Protection of the operated eye:
- Keep eye patch for a week after surgery. change the dressing at least once a day every time if it is no longer valid and / or not clean
- Use sunglasses during the first 2 weeks after surgery especially outside (inside you can do without if you're not too bothered by the light.
- Use protective shell at night to prevent accidental trauma to the eye.
- Do not use cotton or gauze (compress) under the hull
- For children to watch the games with other children especially at school or outside and watch out for toys used
3. diet
- No food restrictions are imposed by eye surgery except that imposed by concurrent disease such as diabetes, hypertension or other ...
- Avoid constipating foods
4. Daily activities:
- You can watch TV or read if you are not too embarrassed
- Try to get enough rest during the first week
- Do not drive until you are authorized to do
- Avoid bending (for prayer, for example) until you are authorized to do
- Avoid forced cough,
- Avoid swimming or playing sports contact at least one month.
5. Usual treatment:
- You can continue your usual treatment immediately after surgery (for diabetes, hypertension ...) except for anticoagulants (Sintrom) or you must consult with the attending physician.
6. Eye Treatment:
- Carefully follow the prescription that was given to you when you leave
- To instill your drops, tilt the head back or lie on your back, pull the lower eyelid down and instill. .
- 3-5 minutes between drops if you have to bring more of a drop;
In case of emergency: If acute pain, sudden decrease in visual acuity or other disturbing anomaly you can go to the hospital emergency room or call your doctor.
Get well soon