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Best nine foodstuffs.أفضل تسعة مواد غذائية..Meilleures neuf produits alimentaires

Published on: lundi 2 février 2015 //

There are a lot of harmful substances to the body, which raises cholesterol levels and increase the probabilities of disease. The food they are useful, unfortunately, a few, but a few. "Health Center" German specialist site counted nine high interest for the body material, namely:

1. broccoli (or cauliflower or broccoli or broccoli), considered by some experts the best food item at all, and for the following reasons: broccoli contains a substance "Solforavan" natural anti-oxidant chemical. Broccoli and a strong stimulant enzymes repellents toxins, and reduces the risk of cancer and helps to produce enzymes that protect blood vessels in the body and reduce the risk of heart disease. And contains a substance "Gluckoravanin" which enhances the body's immunity against cancer.

It features a low thermal Bsarath, it contains one cup of cooked broccoli on about 40 calories. And provides broccoli body with large amounts of vitamins "C" vitamin "A" vitamin "Ki", as well as folic acid. And contains a high amount of potassium material, which helps to improve the nervous system of human health. It is also the perfect food to enhance the work of the functions of the brain. How to preparation and cooking: prefer to buy fresh types of it and washed with salt water, and then rinse with cold water. Preferably cooked with steam for a period of a few so as not to lose the useful articles. Preferably eat three meals a week of it.

2. hemp seeds (or seeds Alhamb): a lot of food and medical benefits, and most important: contains more than 20 kinds of amino acids, making it an integral protein of the body. And contain high levels of zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. And contain a large number of useful body fat, and omega-6 linoleic acid. And working on the right balance of fatty acids (cholesterol) in the body, and is the only plant in the world that maintains the proper balance of saturated fat in the body.

It also eases the risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis. And reduce the risk of colorectal cancer because they contain a subject and insoluble different Dietary fiber. And sedative for insomnia, stress and help you relax. In addition to containing phenolic antioxidant compounds, which inhibit various types of cancers. How to be addressed: Hemp seeds can be added to milk or corn chips or vegetables. Can be used as seed flour in baking and pastry.

3. Shea seeds (or Alstaa or sage): similar to sesame seeds and grow in South America and Australia. The basic food for the Aztec and Mayan tribes in South America. The seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 and Alcalaseyoum, magnesium, iron, potassium and protein. The most important benefits are the fight against aging and provide great food energy for the body enough for long hours and reduce blood pressure and risk of heart disease and help digestion and diet.

In addition to containing shea seeds Dietary fiber materials and anti-oxidants help to remove toxins, and reduce the risk of cancer and stroke. How to be addressed: the seeds powder can be added to Shea juices and cold drinks and drink at breakfast, and can be added to the authorities, vegetables and soup.

4. plant dandelion (also called dandelion or tarragon or teeth of a lion's wort): herb dandelion plant has many medicinal benefits and tremendous ability to heal gallbladder diseases and infections of the liver due to the presence of "Taraxakn" useful, in addition to its contribution in reducing the incidence of diseases of urinary and reduce blood pressure and treat low blood sugar level. These herbs once and preferably addressed cook and eat Soaúlha, as with the tea.

5. Coconut: Coconut oil is useful in saturated fats, which contain large amounts of fatty acids. And coconut makes metabolism works well, in addition to being low fat calories. According coconut also in the treatment of diseases and skin infections. It has a high dietary fiber and improves insulin secretion and the use of glucose in the blood. And contributes to anti-aging. And strengthens the body's immunity, and fights cancer.

6. plant nettles (or Napata Alenetlh) are herbal plants have thorns minutes, and medical herb used against anemia, hemorrhoids and calm the nerves and skin diseases, and strengthen the work of the joints. They are also used to treat internal bleeding and ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases. How to use it and eat: Works from the plant ointments private and can be eaten by drinking juice or mix it with vegetables or cooked by seeds.

7. Grain Quinoa: Quinoa is a grain found in the South American continent. Characterized by large food value because they contain a high percentage of protein, amino acids, and especially the basic amino acid lysine important in building tissue regeneration. And contain vitamin "B-2" who believes in the power of vital processes in the brain and muscle cells. Containing manganese antioxidant, and is appropriate for diet food. How to be addressed: You can cook the quinoa grain, as in cooked rice. It can boil water and eat, or mixed with vegetables and cooked.

8. algae Chlorella: A green algae live in fresh and salt water. To feature a high nutritional value and clear the body of toxins and increase the body's immunity and resistance. Made in the form of food grains and sold in pharmacies in special food shops.

9. vegetables, natural: natural vegetables are essential nutrients and can not be dispensed with, because they contain different vitamins. And contribute to reducing the incidence of heart disease and digestive system. Advised taking it several times a week, preferably eating fresh vegetables only natural.

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