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Published on: vendredi 18 avril 2014 //


Childcare: (Latin: puer child and culture ) Science aimed to research knowledge about reproduction and conservation of the human species and is divided into three sections:
1st section before procreation ( the procreative beings are in perfect health at the time of reproduction )
2nd Intrauterine section ( during pregnancy the baby is in the protective measures of the mother before and during childbirth )
3rd section after birth (promotion of breastfeeding )

The newborn ( baby - 1 month) that is born
Means the infant during the early neonatal period ie the first 7 days of life, by extension also said infants to late neonatal period ie 28 days.

Infant : infant, and 21 days to 2 years. Before infant, it is embryo, fetus , newborn

Child: After 2 years, when all the teeth are removed child is said ( boy or girl under the age of thirteen or fourteen )


Development means all the phenomena that lead to the gradual transformation of the human being from conception to adulthood.
Can be distinguished :
• The somatic development
• Psychomotor development


It is a complex phenomenon. It can be divided into five periods :
     The intrauterine period
      D e birth to 2 years
      2 years 5-6 years ( rapid development )
      Late childhood ( school age ) relationship with the outside, slow development ends at 10 or 12 years
      Puberty (10 to 14 years for girls , 11 to 16 years for boys )

It is assessed by :

• Weight gain
• The linear growth
• The evolution of head circumference
• The appearance of teeth


This is an indicator of growth, but it is more a reflection of the state of nutrition , it is a good indicator of health. A birth weight is an average of 3 kg500 During the first week of life, the child loses approximately 10% of his birth weight , it was not until the 10th day weight gain s' primer . It doubles to 6 months, 1 year triple (quadruple to 2 years) This is very useful to remember landmarks to locate the child development .
NB : From 4 years weight gain about 2 kg / year

       2) SIZE

Growth rate is fast . At birth the size is 50 cm . During the first year the stature gain is 22 cm to 24 cm is in the second year; this gain is 12 cm. At 1 year , it measures 75 cm.
NB : 2 to 5-6 years (development slows down gradually to stabilize at a nearly constant speed ) size increased by 9 cm during the third year of 7 cm during the fourth year and 5 to 6 cm by . year thereafter . At 4 years he doubled his birth size and exceeds the meter.

3) head circumference

It is 35 cm to the birth . Its development is rapid during the first year , it increased by 12 cm. During the second year , the growth is much slower ; the gain is only 2 to 3 cm . This is related to the rapid brain development during the first year of life : 50 % of postnatal development occurs during the first year, growth becomes much slower on.




Birth 3 Kg 500 PN 50 cm 35 cm TN

5 - 6 months 7 kg P.N (* 2) -

1 year 10 kg P.N (* 3) 75 cm 47 cm

2 years 12 kg 85 cm 50 cm

4 years
14 kg 1 meter ( T.N * 2)

7 years 20 kg 1 m20

NB : 6 years the brain reaches 90% of its adult size

The first teeth appear from the 6th month but variations are common.



- 6 months
2 incisors

- 8 months
4 incisors

- 10 months
6 incisors

- 12 months
8 incisors

- 18 months
8 + 4 incisors premolars

-24 months
Incisors 8 + 4 + 4 premolars Canines

Teething is often :

* preceded by a significant salivation
* Accompanied by a few small general disorders :
      - Agitation, sleep disturbance
- Slight rise in temperature
- Lightweight diaper rash

The permanent dentition
    It begins around 6 years , with the emergence of the first molar teeth final.
It is complete to 12 years , by the appearance of the second molars into adolescence , the emergence of wisdom teeth .

B- psychomotor development


Muscle tone :
The members hypertension contrasts with hypotonia of the neck and trunk.
The spontaneous motor :
 It is made at Member diffuse movements, anarchic , but unsuitable bilateral symmetry. At the front we can see pouts satisfaction and dissatisfaction foreshadowing the "smile"
* The primitive reflexes
These are automatic reactions to assess the neural maturation of the newborn ; their presence at birth and their disappearance during the first months ( end of Q1 ) are considered essential criteria maturatifs .
      - Moro reflex
This is one of the most important: stereotyped response bilateral upper limb extension with adduction of the arm followed in embracing the return of arm movement on the midline ; it is triggered by various stimuli (it hits the cushion on which the baby rests or is allowed to fall behind the child's head held upright . His persistence beyond 6 months is considered pathological
- The grasping :
    It is the grasping reflex : stimulation of the palm of the hand causes the bending of the fingers which diffuses throughout the upper limb up to the shoulder and neck , while enabling the lifting of the child
- Automatic operation :
When holding the newborn standing , leaning on a hard surface , not roughing it .
- Tendon reflexes are sharp and disseminated, the plantar skin reflex is generally extended until the age of six to eight months .
- The reactions to visual and auditory stimuli are low. ( The responses to sensory stimuli are bright especially the skin surface )

NB / Psychomotor development needs stimulation from the outside environment to fully realize .


The first 2-1 years

During the first year psychomotor development results in acquisitions drive, a differentiation of "self" and others with the basic elements of communication
- The drive acquisitions
• The station 's head upright is observed from the 3rd month .
• The base station : with the help of hands is observed at 7-8 months.
• The standing station : it is possible to start with support to 8-9 months . Before the march there at certain stages ; ventral position before walking on all fours.
• The grip ( grip action ) at the beginning , it is a gripping contact , then volunteer to be effected by the radial edge to 7-8 months . Precision grip allowed by the acquisition of the index finger is observed around the age of 12 months.

- The sensory :
• The vision :
The child eyes follow an object to 6 weeks.
At 3 months , the eye tracking is perfect on an arc of 180 ° and coordinated with the rotation of the head .
The occurrence of binocular vision is observed to 3 ' months .
   This acquisition oculomotor movements will allow the discovery of the hand before the body. Fine macular vision (vision shapes, details) is later to 8 months.

• Hearing :
The immobilization reaction to noise is very early ; at 3-4 months, the child turns his head to noise; 5 month head and eyes .
- Differentiation of the self with others
The autonomy of movement will allow the infant to be increasingly aware of his body, and the incipient construction of body schema will only be possible using sensory-motor coordination ; the child sets his hand to 3-4 months , 5-6 months to his feet .
Between 6 and 8 months discriminates the face of his mother at the same age he recognizes an object and directs the hand ( the passage of the object from one hand to the other is about 7 months).
The concept of object permanence is acquired to 9 months, the child seeks concealed under a handkerchief lifting this screen object.
The distinction between self and non-self is also proven by the reactions of the child at this age in the mirror.
       § To 8 months manifest in the presence of a foreign face negative reactions that Rs . PITZ described as " anguish of the eighth month "
       § At the end of the first year; the child has an expressive mimicry reflecting her emotional state at the time .

              Fundamentals of Communication

These elements are associated with psychomotor development described above. The immediate human environment of the child , especially breast , participates decisively .

- The smile reflects the first communications primarily emotional . Reflex , it becomes elective human face to two months ( 2) , accompanied by a chirping and an intensification of the gaze. Around 5-6 months it becomes discriminating between familiar and unfamiliar faces .

- Language : progressing through the inter child - mother, child - environment . Very schematically the progression would be as follows :
              $ Emission guttural sounds to 1 month
              $ Babbling about two months consisting of several vocalizations ( '' a'' , '' e'' )
              $ Language in affective tone to 3-4 months because of labial consumed ( '' b'' , '' p'' , '' m '')
              $ Syllabic sounds to 6 months ( ma - da ... )
              $ Between 6 and 8 months syllables denote an object; 9 months to react to many familiar words.
              $ 10 - 12 months, he has a defense and a stop gesture on order; '' Dad '' he said , '' Mom '' , which is the beginning of the emergence of jargon.
The language is primarily an emotional relationship ; if the child does not have the ability to communicate with the environment there will not be interested in language.

- The game : From the first year the game is an important factor in psychomotor development and communication of the child.
- Keeps his head at 3 months
- Position seat 6-8 months
- On: between 12 and 18 months
- Grip: the thumb clamp index 12 months
- Sensory 3 months:
$ Eye tracking perfect
$ Reflex immobilization noise is present.

- Fixed his hand at 3-4 months
- Recognizes his mother : 6-8 months
- 8th month : distinguishes the self and non-self
- Anxiety in the presence of a foreign face

- Smile elective human face to 2 months
- Within 5-6 months : recognizes abroad
- Language : babble 2 to 9 months said '' Dad '' , '' Mom ''
- The game

2-2 The second year

Psychomotor development during the second year is marked by the confirmation of the knowledge of body schema . We then observed the development of the main motor functions.
- The development of motor skills
The walk takes place without using between 12 and 14 months , at the end of the second year the child can run up and down the stairs, stand on a chair alone, kicking a ball with the foot in order.
Manual motor becomes increasingly accurate at 18 months the child can make a turn 3 or 4 cubes , drinks alone, and uses a spoon.
- The body schema
During the second year it should be noted :
       $ Reactions recognition before the mirror
       $ The recognition of self and others in a photograph .
       $ Thus the designation of different body parts on a doll and later on his own body.
- The acquisition of cleanliness
The acquisition of cleanliness requires a set of physiological and psychological condition (especially the mother-child relationship ) : it is not a problem of sphincter control . You still need to know that the acquisition of cleanliness requires a certain level of maturity (end of 1st year) before which we must avoid any packaging or '' training '' ( 15-18 months when the development of the nervous system can control ) .
Generally daytime cleanliness is acquired at the same time as walking or shortly after and bowel control precedes the urine . Nocturnal cleanliness is very variable, it is acquired between 2 and 3 years. It is talking about bedwetting ( nocturnal urine incontinence ) after 4 years.
NB : The sphincter control requires a certain level of maturity and adequate psychological conditions such as satisfactory and regular stimulation of the child's emotional environment
- Communication of the child
             $ Language
                    = Appearance linguistic phase disappearance of jasis and the appearance of the first word .
                    = The first word ; used to designate a person, object, situation appears between 11 and 14 months.
                    = The word '' stage '' sentence between 18 months and two years , the child of a single word sentence '' '' whose meaning depends on the context in which he makes himself happy. The use of these phrases words is related to the emotional life (desire or fear .... )
                    = The emergence of '' not '' : it is around 18 months he started to use the '' not '' . It is a special time of emotional and relational development of the child : the child becomes able to consciously oppose others in identifying adult interdicteur .
                    = The first sentence formed by the apposition of two words, without connecting element between 20 and 24 months
                    = The evolution of language will then enter into a vocabulary and the gradual acquisition of syntax.
            $ Play
The second key element in the second year and is an important parameter of communication and emotional development ( recreational activity ) .

TRACTION - Walking acquired - short
- Monte stairs
- Made a tower from March to April cubes
- Drinks only

- Acknowledgement in the mirror
- Designates the 4 body parts


The imperfection of thermoregulatory mechanisms makes the infant sensitive to changes in outside temperature.
An atmosphere too hot, causing a hypercouvrage acute dehydration with hyperthermia.
It '' '' heat stroke can take a dramatic character .
A cold atmosphere and the lack of protective clothing will result in a state of collapse with hypothermia and peripheral edema

1) The infant room

The infant will preferably have a personal room. Whether to share a room with their parents, it '' will '' his corner protected by a screen if necessary .
Collectivized in children , each infant has a personal box .
The room should be healthy infant :
- Easy to clean
- Easy to heat and ventilate
- Locate in a quiet and sunny.
Walls : will be covered with plastic or clear paint , easy to wash .
Soil: will preferably soundproof and washable material
: Heating is maintained constant 18 ° - 20 °
NB : The coal stove , gas heating should not be used in the bedroom of an infant, because of their fumes can .
Aeration : will be done regularly to avoid :
         $ Drafts ;
         $ The direct arrival of the cold air on the infant .
Lighting is provided :
         $ By the natural light : the child must get used to sleeping in daylight
         $ By an artificial diffuse light and slightly soft .
infant bed

Description: The crib or infant bed shall:
- Be fixed on a solid foundation
- Have high enough edges to prevent the fall of the child
- Be placed away from drafts and animals
Panels cradle will be: full or bars.
 They will be close enough to prevent the baby can not get his head between two bars covered with an inner lining protects the child against shocks.
In communities of children, bed called '' bed '' park must meet certain standards in different countries .
Exp: In France precise on the ministerial circular of 15 January 1966 must meet standards :
- The side walls must be 0.50 m high beds age 1 , 0.70 m for beds 2nd age.
- These walls , movable to allow exchange and care, blocked by a security system .

 The mattress :
    It will be soft and firm foam nylon or wool. A nylon bag or waterproof canvas protect the mattress from stains .
     It includes:
- A bottom sheet overlying the mattress , can be used a sheet of preformed jersey wedge , which does not slide on the mattress .
- A fleece cotton or spongy tissue covering the entire mattress.
- A top sheet : the side edges will line widely mattress ; blankets will be fully covered by the flap or a bedspread washable fabric .
- One or two blankets , depending on the season , light and warm .
- A small horsehair pillow , covered with a pillowcase.
NB : The feather pillow is rejected , it promotes perspiration , the child may choke on this pillow too soft .
Rehabilitation of the bed ( see data sheet)

2 ) Sleep

This is an important factor for growth and balance
Newborns sleep 21 hours over 24 hours , not waking up for feeding. His cradle, the arms of his mother are his whole world




At birth 20 h A23

1 months
From 18 to 20 h

4 months
From 16 to 18 h

8 months
From 14 to 16 h

1 year
From 13 to 15 h

3 years
11 h

5 years and +
9-10 h

Rites promoting good sleep
It is important to let the child find its favorable position and sleep behavior that suits him :
- Sucking thumb or fingers
- Contact the nose or face against the bed sheets or a layer
- Presence of a ( blunt ) musical toy close

3) Crying :

Despite the occupation and all the tenderness door mom to her baby, she is occasionally irritated and sometimes anguished by her tears and cries.
Mom quickly get used to recognize the cause of his tears when he is hungry or thirsty, cold or hot, and when one needs to be changed or when sleep approach. But for others crying , the mother has no satisfactory interpretation . In the event that crying is strong and accompanied by fever or runny nose or diarrhea or vomiting, medical consultation is required in this case

4) Prevention of accidents

It is essential to think simple and effective ways to remove the most dangerous in the immediate environment of the infant because he is unaware of the danger and he needs to move and explore his surroundings.
Information : It is the basis of all prevention and respect any adult having to care for a child directly :
Some tips to avoid accident
- Do not allow fire canoun or gas stove on the floor
- Do not place hot dishes, hot water kettle in the scope of the child
- Keep away from wearing matches, lighters ...
- Unplug electrical appliances after use
- Never place a baby away from a high place (table, bed ... )
- Close the windows of rooms where children are
- Avoid leaving sharp objects out of reach of children
- Do not let a child run carrying a glass, a sharp object
- Store medications in a cabinet (pharmacy ) located above
- Do not leave medicines
- Keep each product in its original container
- Do not let the child suck plants in a garden when walking
- Never leave a child alone in a bath or seaside
- Do not leave a bowl filled with water in a room, courtyard garden where a young child plays
- Teach the child to avoid games with objects in their mouths
- Do not leave a baby with a bottle propped
- Do not put in the bed where the child layer too large blankets ( stifle )
- Teach the child to eat slowly and monitor
- Should be exposed gradually and not too long in the sun
- Protect the 1st time with sunscreens


1) Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is instinctive physiological act , and meets the needs of the child during the first months of life . Breast milk is the best natural food for the child, its superiority to cow's milk is undeniable
 a) Composition of breast milk

It is unique. Some differences with cow's milk have been minimized by the industrial processing but others persist. No artificial milk can match . It is characterized by its high biological value proteins:
Containing only 15 g / l of protein , it ensures equal to that obtained with cow's milk contains growth 30g / l .
The digestion of fat is easier , promoted by the presence of lipase .
Certain requirements must be completed as follows:
- The content of vitamin A depends on the diet of the mother, but it generally covers needs.
- The amount of vitamin D is insufficient depends reserves mom so its exposure to the sun and .
Supplementation with vitamin D2 is necessary in drug form or infant exposure to the sun.

Note: The composition of cow's milk and the milk of women are significantly different. The milk of women albumin therefore contains more and less than casein cow milk ( cow must be diluted to lower the proportion of casein to sweeten and improve the quality of carbohydrates)
Cow's milk has a pH of about 6.5 ; milk of women is less acidic ( pH 7 )
Milk of women is less rich in mineral
The various vitamins are found in different proportions in the two milks .

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