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nursing care plan & personal hygiene..خطة الرعاية التمريضية و النظافة الشخصية

Published on: mardi 15 avril 2014 //

 Personal hygiene is a treatment that helps clean and protect its integument , it is a factor of physical and moral of the person being cared for well-being , it also allows the observation and relationship.
• Ensure the hygiene of the person.
• Monitoring of the skin condition.
Complete toilet to bed
• Linen:
o 2 washcloths 1 for the top, one for the lower body.
o 2 towels : one for the top, one for the lower body.
o clean linen for the rehabilitation of beds: 2 sheets, pillowcase, bed pad and / or coverage if needed.
o clean linen for the patient : pajamas or personal laundry .
o anatomical protection in cases of incontinence .
• Material hygiene :
o Soap .
o Massage Oil kind of sweet almond oil .
o Cologne .
o Brush, comb.
o Razor and shaving foam.
• Miscellaneous equipment:
o 1 cup , 2 cups if possible ( 1 up, 1 down).
o Toilet paper .
o 2 pairs of non-sterile disposable gloves.
o Bag eliminating paper waste and uncontaminated material .
o Laundry bag .
o container contaminated sharps .
o surface disinfectant and cloth.
o Required for hand hygiene.
Implementation of care
The grooming of the face, ears and neck
Toilet chest , abdomen , arms and hands
Toilet legs and feet
Toilet genitals
Toilet back
The toilet seat
Rehabilitation bed
• Warn the patient .
• Always take into account the degree of autonomy of the patient and stimulate the patient during treatment , allowing the patient to do what he can do ( face, torso , arm, hand , genital toilet ) .
• Close windows , lower the blinds to preserve the privacy of the patient if there is visibility.
• Install the hardware :
o bowl filled with warm water at the desired temperature by the person .
o Installation on a clean and disinfected prior surface.
o Install bins at the foot of the patient bed .
o Provide a chair to put the bed cover , disinfect before treatment .
o Respect the health, safety and ergonomics triangle : Clean (hardware) - Patient - Sale ( bins) .
• Depending on the patient :
o If patient probed : empty collection bag urine before treatment ( the necessary materials ) .
o If patient can urinate : offer him empty his bladder before treatment ( flat basin , urinal , bathroom) .
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.
• Overflow bed from top to bottom without finding the person.
• Remove the bed cover , cover , place the disinfected chair for this purpose .
• Prepare a " small blanket " with the top sheet : Fold the sides toward the center to cover the patient.
• The toilet is done starting with the face and ending with genital toilet and seat, but if the person is contaminated with feces or urine , we begin by genital toilet then the seat for comfort.
• Remove the nightgown , and cover the person with the "little coverage."
The grooming of the face, ears and neck
• Shaving person . Remove the shaver in the container contaminated sharps .
• Do not face soap unless the person wants.
• Start eyes with the corner of the washcloth in from the inside (nose ) outwards ( ears).
• Wash the front, from the middle to the outside, and go behind the ear. Make the second hémiface .
• Wash the neck.
• Wipe dabbing , without rubbing.

Toilet chest , abdomen , arms and hands
• Start with the farthest member :
o Put the towel up under the arm. Cover the nearest hémicorps with little coverage .
o Soap shoulder inside outwards .
o Soap armpit .
o Soap then the arm from the shoulder to the hand and making movements "8" around the arm which allows not board twice in the same place .
o Soap then the hand and fingers .
o Rinse proceeding in the same way.
o Wipe dabbing , without rubbing.
• Proceed in the same way to the nearest arm.
• Wash the chest and abdomen with emphasis in the folds and the umbilicus , rinse and pat dry .
• Cover the chest with the towel or small blanket .
Toilet legs and feet
• Take the glove down.
• Start with the farthest member :
o Put a towel under the leg.
o Support the leg below the ankle to do the washing.
o Start soap from shorts ( mid-thigh ) by performing movements "8" .
o Wash the interdigital spaces with the edge of the washcloth, do not place fingers.
o Rinse the same way .
o Wipe the towel by blotting with toilet reserved for the bottom.
• Proceed in the same way to the nearest leg.
• Perform strokes to support points ( heels) with circular movements without pressing with massage oil : anti- bedsore prevention.
Toilet genitals
• Change the water in the basin.
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.
• Develop non-sterile gloves.
• If the person has an anatomical protection , open and fold the opening between the legs , around the anal area.
• Soap starting with the furthest thigh , up towards the abdomen, passing on the pubis and finish down to the nearest thigh.
• Soap then the organs from the outside to inside and top to bottom , without returning to avoid spreading germs anal in the vagina or penis. Stress at the folds .
• Rinse proceeding in the same way.
• Wipe dabbing , without rubbing.
Toilet back
• Discard gloves .
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.
• Change the water in the basin.
• Remove the pillow , take the dirty pillowcase pillow, open and return to the back of the chair that allows a dirty cloth bag .
• Install comfortably in recovery position , ensuring security, ask for help .
• Resume the washcloth and towel reserved for toilet top .
• Put the towel under the back.
• Soap up and down without going several times in the same place .
• Rinse and dry .
• Suggest friction cologne to refresh .
• Rub the sacrum with massage oil .
• Put the towel riding on the back and chest to preserve modesty and prevent the person from getting cold .
The toilet seat
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.
• Place the second pair of non-sterile gloves.
• Resume the washcloth and towel reserved for toilet bottom .
• Discard the anatomical protection bag disposal.
• If the presence of stool, wipe the seat with toilet paper and throw it in the bag disposal.
• Soap starting genitals and back to the anal area.
• Rinse and dry by blotting .
• Put the towel horse on the buttocks and pubic area to meet modesty.
• Discard gloves .
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.
Rehabilitation bed
• Roll the sheet up half the bed and slide a bit in the person .
• Disinfect the mattress from head to foot with the solution of cleaning and disinfection of surfaces.

• Fold a clean sheet in half , put on some clean mattress and stuck the other party in person.
• Install the anatomical protection.
• Turn the person on the back and switch to the other side.
• Pull and remove the dirty cloth and throw it into the pillowcase acting laundry bag .
• Disinfect the rest of the mattress with the disinfectant solution.
• Expand the clean sheet and anatomical protection.
• Reinstall the person on the back.
• Close the anatomical protection.
• Dress the person and style.
• Replace the pillow covered with a clean pillowcase .
• Change the top sheet , if necessary put a blanket, bedspread.
• Place objects of the person at hand , give the bell.
• Put dirty clothes in the laundry bag .
• Ranger, throw and disinfect all equipment used including the chair and other items that have been in contact with the machine .
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.

Toilet to the sink
• Linen:
o 2 washcloths 1 for the top, one for the lower body.
o 2 towels : one for the top, one for the lower body.
o 2 drawsheets fabric .
o clean linen for the patient : pajamas or personal laundry .
o anatomical protection in cases of incontinence .
• Material hygiene :
o Soap .
o Massage Oil kind of sweet almond oil .
o Cologne .
o Brush, comb.
o Razor and shaving foam.
• Miscellaneous equipment:
o kocher clamp (clamp ) .
o Toilet paper .
o Gloves non sterile single use.
o Bag eliminating paper waste and uncontaminated material .
o Laundry bag .
o container contaminated sharps .
o surface disinfectant and cloth.
o Required for hand hygiene.
Implementation of care
• Warn the patient .
• Assist the patient and the things he can not do it alone ( leg, back ), the boost .
• Place a draw sheet on the floor to prevent falls.
• Place a draw sheet in the back and secure it with the clamp at the chest to preserve his privacy.
• Proceed in the same way as toilet in bed by adapting care to the situation and depending on the patient.

The capiluve care or head.
• Linen:
o Netting rubber .
o Alaise fabric .
o Towel .
o Pillows .
• Material hygiene :
o Shampoo .
o Brush, comb.
• Miscellaneous equipment:
o kocher clamp (clamp ) .
o Broc.
o Laundry bag .
o surface disinfectant and cloth.
o Required for hand hygiene.
Implementation of care
• Warn the patient .
• Remove eyeglasses and hearing equipment if the person is a carrier .
• Fill the jug of warm water at the desired temperature by the person .
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.
• Install the person so head back in bed , supporting shoulders with pillows ; head forward or backward if the sink is carried capiluve .
• Overlay the pad and the pad rubber fabric . Surround the patient's neck with the protections and keep up with the clamp at the chest.
• Wet hair .
• Apply shampoo, massage the scalp gently .
• Rinse thoroughly to remove all shampoo .
• Squeeze and dry hair with the towel.
• Remove the protection.
• Comb .
• Store and disinfect all equipment used .
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.
The foot bath or foot bath .
• Linen:
o Alaise rubber .
o Alaise fabric .
o 2 towels .
o 1 washcloth.
• Material hygiene :
o Soap .
o Solution on prescription drug .
• Miscellaneous equipment:
o Bowl .
o Broc.
o Laundry bag .
o surface disinfectant and cloth.
o Required for hand hygiene.
Implementation of care
• Warn the patient .
• Install the person sitting on a chair or semi-sitting if treatment is given to bed.
• Overlay the pad and the pad rubber fabric . Protections put under the legs.
• Install the bowl and pour in water to the desired temperature by the person .
• Allow feet to soak for 5-10 minutes depending on the tolerance of the person.
• Soap after soaking.
• Rinse and dry well between the interdigital spaces.
• Store and disinfect all equipment used .
• Perform a simple hand washing or perform hygienic hand by rubbing with an alcohol-based solution : hand hygiene.

Monitoring and evaluations
• Monitor skin condition and mucous membranes.
• Reaction of the patient.
• Participation of patient care

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