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Published on: lundi 14 avril 2014 //

   definition:/Introduction of a pressurized fluid in the thickness of the muscle tissue .
Administration of medication , some of which are only available in this form delay mode ( including the case of psychiatric treatment )
Against information:
VKA treatment , platelet antiagrégeant or other modifier of hemostasis .
*) get the appropriate treatment and the necessary injection products, taking into account the expiry dates
* ) to verify the integrity of the pack and the clarity of the product
*) 1 non- sterile tray decontaminated
*) 1 syringe
*) 1 trocar removal and an injection needle
*) antiseptic
*) a reniform
*) cotton
*) needle container .
- Hygienic hand washing
- Have the material in the tray and bring two cotton ( or 3 if bulb)
- If bottle cap , put alcohol in direct contact (2 min) or Betadine (1 min) or multipurpose solution
- Peel pouch syringe
- Peel packaging and remove the needle
- Stamp the needle to the syringe decapers his cap
- Remove the syringe and mounted on its wrapping paper peeled
- Prepare the drug : dab excess alcohol with a cotton - slightly moistened if bottle cap and / or disinfect and open the ampoule
- Draw the contents of the vial or ampoule
- Expel air from the syringe , without purging
- Have the syringe mounted on the wrapping paper
- Peel the packaging of the injection needle
- Inter changing needles
- Throw the trocar into the container
- Purge the needle into the treatment room.
- Hygienic hand washing
- Check the contents of the tray
- Go to bed the person being cared
- Widely sanitize with an alcohol cotton.
- View the site of injection : it is the upper outer quarter of the buttock
- Prevent the person.
- Prick handing the skin between thumb and forefinger , syringe mounted
- Aspire to avoid injecting into a vessel . If he returns blood - reprepare all ( simple trickle of blood , change of plan).
- Inject slowly . Take notice of the person felt
- Depress the skin with cotton, then remove the syringe mounted
- Do not recap
- With a dry cotton, massage gently to facilitate dissemination , hemostasis and to control the puncture
- Reinstall the person's environment
- Decontamination of equipment and storage
- Hygienic hand washing
- Note the care and observations if necessary
monitoring :
the puncture site ( hematoma appearance of signs of infection ) , pain assessment , the effectiveness of treatment
Expertise IDE :
Choosing an injection site
= > the gluteal region : always in the upper outer quarter in order not to injure the sciatic nerve ( gluteus maximus muscle )
= > deltoid muzzled is sometimes used in some vaccines (syringes with needles mounted ) , taking care to avoid the radial nerve ;
= > never bitten prosthesis side ( PTH)
= > If the person is under anticoagulants, contact your doctor .
= > vary puncture
= > very important observation ( induration , bruising, ... )
= > Never inject hypertonic products
= > childhood , always in the thigh


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