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Proper nutrition for weight loss.التغذية السليمة لفقدان الوزن

Published on: lundi 17 mars 2014 //

Basics of proper nutrition
Currently, for many became a bad habit to drink before labor day cup of coffee , which, in the end, is addictive organism to malnutrition . As we know , a good hearty breakfast - a reliable way to lose weight significantly .

Defends the idea of a dietician , endocrinologist America Daniela Jakubowicz , by virtue of their professional activities are constantly faced with people suffering from overweight . That she found the relationship between the mass of the human body and the rejection of the morning meal . Doing research this fact , she conducted an experiment , which was attended by about a hundred women , half of whom were on a low calorie diet. Breakfast of these women is no more than 300 calories , and overall diet night barely exceeded 1000 kcal . The second group received the test so-called " big breakfast " at 600 calories, for a total daily volume - about 1200 kcal . This breakfast had to be overcome from 7 to 9 am. The experiment lasted for 4 months, after which all participants have moved to the stage of weight maintenance .

By the end of the period revealed that the group, which used a low-fat diet , participants lost 12 kg , and the second - only 10 . But this result does not become final , so keeping the weight under those who lost weight more quickly again scored an average of 8 kg, while in the second group - not only did not gain weight, but continued to lose weight gradually on.

Daniela Jakubowicz concluded that a hearty breakfast of products abound proteins and carbohydrates , not only promotes weight loss , but also teaches the person to nutrition , improving the body's metabolic processes and generating positive emotions.

Here are a few options for proper nutrition , promotes weight loss .

So , breakfast may consist of your choice from :

a small piece of meat, rice , salad, fruit and a small cup of tea with lemon ;
white meat chicken , flavored hard cheese , boiled potatoes with green beans , a little fruit and a cup of tea with lemon ;
omelet of two eggs , breads and cereals with a green salad , some fruit and a cup of herbal tea .
It is mandatory snack consisting of a few walnuts and unsweetened fruit.

Lunch is also offered to select complex of the options :

lean fish, green salad, toasted bread and mineral water with lemon ;
brown rice with a side dish of stewed vegetables, small fruit and a glass of mint tea ;
boiled meat , salad , toast , mineral water with lemon.
The next bite is best to eat yogurt.

For dinner, it is recommended to choose one of the suggested sets of products :

toast, stewed vegetables, a glass of water with lemon ;
150 g low-fat cottage cheese, small fruit , a glass of water ;
boiled fish , green salad , toast, glass of water with lemon.
Naturally, the observance of the fast weight loss diet will not bring , but it is accustomed to self-discipline and a breakfast.

Sitting on a diet , you should not forget about the quality of vitamins and minerals , it is worth while to pay attention to universal systems .

Women weighing 70 kg worth consume 2 servings of food in the "slow" carbohydrates , which include cereals such as buckwheat, oat , rice - of unpolished rice , millet ( 1 every 3-4 days ) , rye or whole-grain pasta, bread whole grains, oats, rice , rye or buckwheat bread without the addition of yeast and sugar , baked potatoes, wholegrain pita . These products have a right in the morning and in the afternoon , so as not to suffer from hunger.

Slimming every meal should be proteins whose sources are lean meats , chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites , low fat dairy products and cheeses to 25 % fat content ( no more than 40 grams per day ) .

Useful for a balanced diet will be eating 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil or 30 g walnuts .

Also the body for normal functioning of daily needed fiber, which can be obtained by eating 300-400 g of any vegetables and unsweetened fruit . Except there are only green peas and sweet corn in the banks. Sweet fruit feast desirable piece and only until 14:00.

But the main menu for weight loss, of course, is serving .

Thus, the portion of porridge should be no more than a fist , or loaves of bread - 2 slices (about 30 g), meat or fish no more palm , cottage cheese - 180 g , yogurt , milk - 1 cup yogurt with no fillers - half a cup of vegetables and fruits of no more than two fists.

Of course , there are the so-called harmful products , from which should be discarded :

chips, nuts and greasy popcorn, usually teeming with harmful additives;
dry concentrates soups, mashed potatoes , noodles ;
muffins, rolls , having a long shelf life ;
fish and smoked meat industrial production;
mayonnaise ;
made public catering pies , fish and similar products.
These products not only should not have those dreams to lose weight , but also to those who simply monitors the health. Other meals is possible , but do not make them the basis of your daily diet .

How to recognize harmful food additives

Most of the products produced today contain various additives to promote the emergence of a food allergy , hepatitis , goiter, immunodeficiency and cancer.

More than half a century ago, it was adopted the European system of labeling of food additives to improve the flavor of food and prolong their life , denoted by the subscript " E" (which means "Europe" ) .

Remember this whole list is very difficult, but it can distinguish main groups:

E 1 - Amplifiers color products;

E 2 - substances prolonging the shelf life ;

E 3 - Supplements warning spoilage ;

E 4 - substances that contribute to the preservation of products in its original form ;

E 5 - Supplements designed to preserve the product structure ;

E 6 - substances to enhance taste and odor;

E 7 - other substances , for example antibiotics .

Recently appeared on the shelves , so-called " cheese product ." It seems that he looks like a normal cheese, but it has some distinctive taste and low price. Deception is not here - this is a real substitute cheese produced from palm or coconut oil and improved the use of food additives. Its composition is painted on the packaging , but ... in very small print . Therefore, you should be especially careful when meeting with the product to make the right choice in favor of their own health and well-being

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