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risks & dangers of red meat in aid el adha

Published on: mercredi 1 octobre 2014 //



The Feast of the red meat of choice, it is the day of Eid elkebir. Enjoy the holiday without harming his health: is it possible?

Beyond have fun, do not forget the religious character of the festival is the symbolic sacrifice of sheep first and then sharing the meat with the poor in a spirit of reverence and brotherhood; Based on this done, it is possible to consume in moderation red meat while following some diet and lifestyle without rules only if it could harm his health.

What could the people who will suddenly start eating red meat daily, noon and night? How will react metabolism?

The results of scientific studies do not go in the direction of a rehabilitation of red meat. Indeed, they show that the largest consumers of red meat see their risk of colon cancer increase. It is estimated that eating 100g of red meat every day increases the risk by 29%. Other studies also suggest an increased risk of cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, breast, lung, stomach, endometrium and prostate.

"Red meat promotes the risk of cardiovascular disease"

Not to mention that red meat bad reputation because rich in saturated fatty acids, which are known to promote cardiovascular disease by promoting atherosclerosis; by increasing the bad cholesterol (LDL); and give high blood pressure, coronary heart disease or stroke.

Who are the people who should not abuse of excessive consumption of mutton?

Anyone who presents a risk factor cardiovascular as dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, and not forgetting the obese and patients suffering from gout.

What are the precautions to be taken by people who are not part of the population at risk, to avoid such hazards?

If eating red meat in large quantities can be harmful to health, do not eat it is so far beneficial? (Everyone is not going to become a vegetarian) What is the proper dosage?

The ideal would be not to abuse by favoring white meats like chicken, turkey and fish.

You need to consume up to three servings of meat per week is a ration of 500g per person per week; to choose the least fatty parts and rather prefer the steaming, oven and grill.

"You have to eat more than three servings of meat per week"

There are also tips on how to prevent the formation of carcinogenic substances as well trim the fat before cooking to avoid the smoke; Marinate meat well (lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, mustard, oregano and tin but not especially oil) and cook on a high heat or too much on the grill top, to limit the formation of heterocyclic amines responsible for the misdeeds red meat.

Keeping a whole sheep at home, it does not happen every day. Homes they have the necessary conditions to preserve meat sheep for a period long enough sometimes? How should people go about promoting the best possible hygiene?

Refrigerated sheep must be kept chilled, lasting three days do not exceed even one or two days if the meat is ground.

As against the freezer it can be stored in pieces and for eight to ten months; no more than two to three months for the ground meat................

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