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Published on: lundi 17 mars 2014 //

Madonna is following a very strict macrobiotic diet , which excludes from the diet of wheat , eggs, meat and dairy products. You may ask: " What did she eat ? ". Answer - vegetables. Personal chef singer even wrote a book called " Mayumi ", which includes dishes macrobiotic diet . If you want to test yourself and check if you can hold out , arranging themselves 10 days detox , then read on our stuff . We describe in detail what you need to have these "heavy" in all senses of days.
day 1
Start your morning with a miso soup and brown rice for breakfast. Sounds scary , but trust me , it's not so scary. Especially because you quickly naedites . This dish is so satisfying that we assure you, you skip lunch . When the time comes to dinner , cook a dish of algae and barley stew .
day 2
To give your body to come to his senses after eating algae and barley stew , the second day of the diet Madonna advises eating vegetables and apples varieties Fuji. Try something to do : stroll around the town , watch a movie , meet with friends.
day 3
This day is best to devote to sports. Jogging in the park or exercise in the fitness club should be fine . We have to make yourself work hard to bring out all the toxins from the body. For breakfast you can eat again miso soup to recharge and wait for dinner . In the evening it is best to eat tofu or soy meat .
day 4
More plums. These fruits contain a lot of sugar , which we just need . Especially after long days without sweet . Do not worry, it does not mean that you have broken , and the whole diet went down the drain .
See also:
How Katy Perry , Elizabeth Hurley and other stars lose weight for Vogue
We know the secret harmony Irina Shayk
Day 5 and 6
Oh, yes ! Here they are happy days . When Madonna followed this diet , it certainly took two days off yourself when you could have everything they want. So that we can follow her example . Just be careful . Better to eat small portions of food . Otherwise unaccustomed to our stomach may suffer. These two days of freedom undoubtedly needed . We generally hard to imagine how Madonna could just eat . But Madonna - especially women.
day 7
Go back to the diet. Making blank tofu 3 days ahead. You have to eat them within three days . Do not be afraid , not in pure form . It can be added to the leaves of lettuce or miso soup.
day 8
In order not to go into a depression , arrange macrobiotic party. It sounds sad, but it really helps you unwind. Prepare a variety of meals that you eat , following your diet. Show your friends what you eat . They just appreciate your efforts . Incidentally, sauerkraut can be a very delicious dish .
Day 9 and 10
The last two days diet. Hooray ! Again we return to the sport. Do push-ups. There are various options : if you can , squeeze off the floor, if difficult , then knees. The most advanced can be wrung leaning feet on a chair. Yes, it's very difficult. Especially when we simply have no strength. Eat vegetables and seaweed - no easy task. And as Madonna still manages to jump on stage and sing in parallel ?


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