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The "miracle " diets..Les régimes «miracles».."المعجزة" النظام الغذائي

Published on: lundi 17 mars 2014 //

Characteristics of miracle diets .
Most magical diets have some aspects in common to detect and begin to suspect his scientific rigor and health, some of its characteristics are as follows :
- They are prescribed for people outside the field of nutrition : typically used for advertising or not famous science magazines .
- They have a very vague description. Almost never mention needs nutrients, total calories, number of meals , possible deficits , etc. .
- Are often not published , but pass from mouth to mouth. It happens all otherwise become cult books .
- Of course , never be recommended in publications in the field of health public , concierge health care, social security, medical schools, etc. .
Usually it is the opposite, these public entities will warn of its dangers.
- They predict high promises of weight loss for the patient's motivation .
The majority of them during the first weeks experienced a loss of Quick weight, which does not make fatty tissue.
- Appear and popular in summer and early in the year are . Special Times sensitivity and concern about  body image.
- Generally named after its inventor or person who popularized as behind an economic interest .calorie diets
They are based on a negative energy balance , causing a deficit of calories severely restricting any nutrients . Cause short- term weight reduction and , subsequently , a rebound effect unwanted metabolic increasing fat mass and decreasing muscle mass. That a low calorie diet resulting contraindicated depends on two factors: that is unbalanced and / or negative caloric balance is very sharp .
There are other types of hypocaloric diets based on criteria ridiculous and baseless
Nutritional any, they produce rapid weight loss that subsequently becomes recover ( yo- yo) . Although the latter is not bad , but cause eating disorders and serious health problems. Examples of this type of diet are:
" Mayo Clinic Diet "
It has been famous for many years and despite the name referring to the famous Clinic
Mayo ( Clinic Rochester ) , this institution does not identify with this diet .
Also called diet 13 days presumably " changing the metabolism. " consists in following a diet in which consumption is eliminated abundant dairy and eggs, meats and side dishes of vegetables are consumed.
 The drinks are allowed tea or coffee. This diet provides between 600 and 800 kcal and significantly reduced intake of dietary calcium.
" Diet takes half "
It is based on something as simple as eating half of the food they normally ingested in the daily diet. Of course it works to lose weight, of course, is eating half. This feeding plus half the calories ingested , swallowed also half of essential nutrients , vitamins , minerals , amino acids, etc. .

Victoria Principal Diet (diet bikini)
Diet popular artist resting on a book that became a best- seller. Itcarry it out based on a 7 day period in which losses are achieved important weight ( up to 4-5 kg of weight). Virtually with salads , it is very low in calories. Holds without any physiological basis or rigor to bear careful not to during the period of menstruation in women.

Diet Onion Soup .
It has been popularized as the " soup diet to burn fat." The system collects some aspects of the dissociated diets combined with moderate exercise physical and high intake of water and a " sui generis " diet , " the loss occurs calories. " method is to eat soup for 7 days it takes six onions, two bunches of celery, two green peppers, tomatoes and a pound a head
Large cabbage with bouillon cube , salt and pepper. This soup is taken alone or associated with fruits, bananas and meat someday . This "wonder" gets a loss of weight and seemingly heart-healthy aspects . It is an example of hypocaloric diet and unbalanced logically leads to loss recovering kilos immediately and continues to be an "upgrade " from similar diets today day and abandoned. Such schemes can lead to imbalances vitamin and health problems when done in vulnerable groups such as adolescents, pregnant women and seniors .
Dissociative diets or hygienists
They are based on the erroneous basis that foods do not contribute to increasedweight by themselves, but when consumed as certain combinations . by example , do not mix in the same meal meat and pasta ( you know , the contribution energy will be put in your mouth what it separately or together ) . It is true , and is the foundation that makes them work , if we do we contribute separately to make a greater number of meals and fewer , very healthy and the Criteria huge nutritional benefits , but it is a side effect , a consequence of such diets . More frequent small meals can be achievedalso with the Mediterranean diet, and will also be more balanced and healthy. Some dissociative the most popular diets are the following :

" Hay Diet decoupled " .
The Dissociated Diet or separate Hay had its beginnings in the early twentieth centurydescribed in 1903 in the U.S. and recently resurrected. Although not dietmagic more dangerous , is the most famous diet made in recent years . holds theorized that carbohydrates can not be consumed along with the proteins, since proteins are digested in acid and carbohydrates in alkaline medium. On the one hand , this type of intake is almost impossible because there are no only foods containing protein or carbohydrate , moreover, the Digestive enzymes are exquisitely specific and can metabolize different food with no problem. This diet has no scientific foundation and results are due to a lower energy intake by limiting foods to dissociate . This diet basically involves a loss progressive motivation for eating, as each day the patient will only is permitted intake of a single food , but that if in high quantities .
" Montignac Diet "
Diet that has lots of followers recently been proposed by Montignac (1992 ) . It is based on the glycemic index of foods and the theory that glucose is a toxic substance that should be avoided at all costs. His method has gained many followers because he says allows " feed the hungry " and eat without restriction some foods, like cheese , sausages, meats etc. . , without mixing with "bad carbohydrates " such as bread , flour and starch . It is based on so picturesque as that calories do not count criteria , all guidelines are based on eliminating the simultaneous consumption of foods containing carbohydrates and fats. Therefore , try to eliminate all foods that contain these nutrients as whole milk , chocolate , nuts , pastries, etc . Prohibits the consumption of carbohydrates such as sugar , bread , rice and pasta. In As for the fruit, only allowed to consume one and before meals to prevent fermentation in the gut . Unlike the Atkins diet allows consumption alcoholic beverages.
" Regime Antoine "
Every day is to eat just one of the food groups , for example, Mondays only fruit, fish only on Tuesdays , Wednesdays, meat only , Thursday only eggs , etc . The scheme is performed for a week and is repeated once a month . as can be observed is a diet that makes you lose weight but do not eat other base food ends up being a low calorie diet and unbalanced , with deficits by boredom and monotony , with being able to produce digestive disorders and mental because it breaks the normal food pace

" The antidieta "
It is a totally unbalanced diet , not only food consumption is separated, it also argues that the time of day influences positively or negatively the food intake . In this case , carbohydrates and proteins can not eat together , you must eat very little fat , are set certain times of day to eat different types of food, including food that removes toxins from the body , prohibits the use of vinegar as fermented digests , as well as white bread, sugar and milk.

" Rafaella Carra Diet "
Here we find a very representative example of a famous diet by a famous person and rests on fully without any illogical ideas foundation. The theory is , once again , do not mix carbohydrates with proteins, but also provides fully equipped with irrationality tips , like everything consumed before 8am slimline and fruit should be consumed two hours before or after meals to avoid fattening.
Exclusionary diets.
They are based on excluding any macronutrient diet , protein , carbohydrates or fats.
They may end up being a low calorie diet unbalanced since the elimination of nutrient limits us the range of possibilities and ended up eating less simply by saturation . For example, in a daily menu you can eat a lot because we have different foods , bread , pasta , meat , vegetables, dessert, etc. . but eliminate carbohydrates, do not just eat meat and water , which when we ingested 200g of meat and two glasses of water , we are eating the saturated same . This course is a practice of punishment to the body and leads to imbalances, deficits and health states not recommended . Here I describe more detail some of these errors and their foundation.

" Diet Haas"
In this diet 80 % of the intake should come primarily from carbohydrates carbon (cereals , legumes, vegetables and fruits ), reducing food consumption to provide protein . This diet can cause deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins and proteins.

Diet Astronauts
Exclusive and very low calorie diet based on vegetables and some meat on the grill or an egg . Total caloric intake of this scheme is in 400 to 500 kcal per day, very poor in all the macro and micronutrients. Dangerous if it holds for a time.

" Liquid Protein Diet "
Very dangerous, based on include protein diet was obtained from cow skin treated with acid to transform it into liquid ( collagen) . The powder thus obtained was mixed with water and is given in meal replacement . It was so popular that the
Bought million Americans and it was so awful that produced more than 60 deaths , almost all from cardiac causes and many of them by breaking the pillars of infarction ( Isner , 1979) .

" Hollywood Diet "
This diet is held for a few days , with a lower caloric intake to 1000 kcal / day , protein -based food , the carbohydrates are removed , so leading to negative effects , can cause ketosis , kidney problems and deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and fiber. " Monodietas " ( a single food diets ) .
As the name suggests is based on eating a single food , including more
Features include: cucumber diet , diet peanuts, rice diet , potato diet , diet chicken, grapefruit diet , diet seafood diet peach, grape cure , pineapple diet , diet garlic, etc. . They all consist of take a single food and get wonderful results in weight loss.
They are a group of boring , monotonous miracle diets and in some cases dangerous , since numerous nutrient deficiency is clear evidence . the
Weight loss is achieved by consuming less calories and convert lunchtime in a total boredom , finishing by eating less and ending with malnutrition .

" Blood Type Diet "
Established by American doctor Peter D' Adamo , who defends the existence of a supply for each blood type (A, B, AB and 0 ) , regardless of the Rh factor negative or positive. The sample diet foods that reduce or increase the weight of According to a historical evaluation of each blood type :
- Fruits of the sea and spinach are indicated for individuals of group 0 .
- Legumes and vegetables for those in group A.
- Meat for group B.
- Milk for the AB group.

Therefore, it is not a balanced diet. There is no relationship scientifically found between blood type and use of fatty tissue. Banning food blocks that diet is associated with feelings of hunger and suffering, and induces the loss of fat-free mass rather than fat mass.

" Cronodieta " .
Introduced by Tobisco in 1991. Lets eat everything but requires a schedule. The  Vegetables can be eaten at any time . However, for the remaining establishes a schedule of food consumption, after five in the afternoon they can protein consumed , but are forbidden fruits and carbohydrates. Based that certain foods can fatten or not according to the time when ingested , because they have a different metabolism . Valid in some aspects , but very limited for active people.

" Dairy free diets "
The adults are lactose intolerant . This is because they fail to produce the above lactase which is what is responsible for digesting the milk sugar , lactose . this  numerous causes digestive problems, gas , flatulence , fermentation, heaviness, etc . Moreover dairy products are associated with a considerable amount fat in its composition, for all we know the amount of fat that have the butter, cream , milk and cheese poles . This is one more reason to eliminate or
limit dairy products from the diet. As advantages of this type of diet we can highlight the following :
- Low fat intake by removing cream , cheese , etc. .
- Just with possible digestive problems or allergies intolerance lactose .
However, we have a major drawback that far exceeds the
advantages. Failure causes deficit dairy calcium and vitamin B2 . this mineral is vital to ensure proper bone health , especially in the woman. It is possible to reach a position where we get the benefits of the products milk and avoid the disadvantages :
- Enter yogurts. Fermentation processes that produce lactose
This partially digested . We recommend at least introduce a product milk daily.
- To avoid fat , choose low-fat products.
- Avoid cheeses. Are best choice and low fat cottage cheese.
Vegetarian diets , not a very healthy choice.
A well-planned vegetarian diet should consist of a good nutrient intake.
Dietary recommendations vary according to the type of vegetarian diet : for children and adolescents these diets require special and careful planning , and it is difficult to get all the nutrients required for growth and appropriate development in these stages . Nutrients that may be lacking in the diet of a vegetarian are : protein, vitamin B12 , vitamin D , riboflavin, calcium, iron and zinc .

Types of vegetarian diets.

" Diet - ovo - vegetarian dairy " Regarding the daily supply of carbohydrates and lipids , such diet presents no problem, just in case an excess of these two nutrients can lead to an accumulation of fat. In regard to protein content , intake plant foods along with milk and eggs can be supplied daily recommended amounts . However, it may cause anemia pernicious (especially in women ), along with nervous system disorders . may produce iron deficiency, since on the one hand, this mineral is found in higher amounts in foods of animal origin such as meats and absorption
It is favored in these foods, and furthermore, the excess fiber limits its  absorption.

" Macrobiotic Diet ."
The macrobiotic diet is an extreme form of vegetarianism. Was introduced and popularized by Oshawa as part of the philosophy of Zen Buddhism  Different foods of the macrobiotic diet are the components of the forces  that exist in the world: Ying , liabilities food; ( female gentle force , or alkaline ) and Yang, active food ; (resistance , acid or male ) and get a health depends on harmony and balance in food intake Ying and Yang . should ingested at a rate 5-1 in favor of Yang .
The macrobiotic diet are an elaborate set of graduated diets in 7 stages from a normal diet to the last stage which is a diet completely deficit from the nutritional point of view . In the third stage swallowed 30% animal , vegetable 30% , 20% fruit , 10% soy and 10% product cereals . And in the last stage, reach 100% ingested cereals . Furthermore, this diet recommends reducing consumption of water can lead to a state dehydration with electrolyte imbalances and kidney function.
At the height of the outrageous claims that Oshawa is that the human body is capable transmutation of the chemical elements , producing proteins from sodium or oxygen , which reveals a profound ignorance of biochemistry.
This type of diet leads to the same problems that vegetarian diets strict , in the strictest macrobiotic diets , deficiencies occur vitamins A, D , E, B12 and minerals like calcium and iron, essential minerals in a woman.

" Diet Rastafari"
Appeared in the 70s , it started in Jamaica at the height of success of Bob Marley. It was a macrobiotic diet that was between periods ranging from 2 and 10 years. He had many followers and merited an editorial in the "British Medical Journal "to advise against it because it produced neurological disorders, deficit vitamin B12, and even some death among his followers described .

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