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Appendicitis.التهاب الزائدة الدودية

Published on: vendredi 25 avril 2014 //

1 - DEFINITION : This is an acute inflammation of the appendix

The infection begins in a point located between two mucosal lymphoid follicles. From this primary focus of infection causes the accumulation of pus in the appendiceal lumen , but tends to evolve through the thick wall to the serosa of the appendix, distended it promotes vascular thrombosis gangrene and perforation. In any case found in the appendiceal lumen calculation stercoral sometimes lymphoid hyperplasia or tumor, the causative organism is E. coli is associated with other germs.

3 - Clinical
Appendicitis is revealed in different forms:
A - Typical shape : crisis right iliac
· Abdominal pain with maximum defense at the right iliac fossa
· Fever 38 - 38.5 ° C
· Nausea or vomiting
· Constipation sometimes normal transit
· Tachycardia
· Tongue coated
· Pelvic Pain right ( DRE )
· NFS shows leukocytosis
· Changes in the absence of treatment is unpredictable
B - Form appendiceal
· Temperature 39 ° C
· Widespread pain
· Alteration of the general state
· Defense
C - Chest appendix : Agglutination of intestinal loops and adjacent organs
· Fever 39 °
· Defence at the right iliac fossa , and palpation of a mass at this
· Abdominal Pain
· Alteration of the general state
D - Peritonitis
· Maximum Abdominal Pain in the right iliac fossa
· Alteration of the general state
· Fever 40 ° C
· Abdominal Contraction
· At DRE : pelvic pain

· Rétrocoecale Appendicitis
· Appendicitis mésocoeliaque
· Appendicitis in liver
· Pelvic Appendicitis

5 - Treatment:
Short resuscitation :
· Infusion of electrolytes + antibiotics
· Gastric tube
Wash warm serum abundance
Peritonitis or abscess drainage if
If Chest : Perfusion electrolytes + antibiotics for 9 days and appendectomy.


1 -
Kindly welcome the patient and his companions help with administrative formalities by securing the health of their patient.

2 - Installation of the patient:

  • · Choose a venous
  • · Perform laboratory tests requested emergency and especially the white formula .

a- In case of surgery :

  • · Secure the patient
  • · The patient both physically and morally Reassure
  • · Make the operative field
  • · Make premedication if prescription
  • · Accompany the patient to block with his record.

b- If it is an appendix mass

  • · Reassure the patient
  • · Put an ice pack to relieve pain
  • · Apply the prescribed therapeutic
  • · Inquire about the date and time of the transaction , pending thereof prepare physically and mentally ill
  • · After his return from the block will be made ​​in care post operatively.

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