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BLOOD SIMPLE FOR EXAMINATION IN LABORATORY.إرشادات لٱخذ عينات الدم للفحص في المختبر

Published on: lundi 14 avril 2014 //

Collecting a blood sample in a superficial vein of one or more tubes for review (s ) in the laboratory.

- Cytological analysis: blood count , platelets, ...
- Chemical analysis : electrolytes , coagulation study , ...
- Serological Analysis: hepatitis B or C , HIV, ...
- Bacteriological Analysis: blood culture , ...
- Immunoassay ...

 Plateau decontaminated bean disposable,
 sterile compresses ,
 70 ° alcohol or alcoholic Betadine antiseptic nonalcoholic if BAC to be assayed,
 non-sterile gloves , bed protection ,
 sample tubes suitable for prescription,
 body .
 fixed needle or butterfly needle adapted to the diameter of the vein ,
 withers decontaminated and appropriate size, plaster ,
 hydro- alcoholic solution for rapid hand antisepsis ,
 good laboratory according to the prescription
 container for sharps .

 Warn the patient the day before or as soon as possible and explain the purpose of the review and the deadline for return of results.
 Check if the examination requires that the patient is fasting and / or time of sampling.
 Perform antiseptic hand washing.
 Prepare the necessary equipment on board care.
 Position the patient comfortably with arms flat bearing down. Removing or attaching the handle and check the skin clean.
 If the patient is infused , underwent axillary lymph node dissection , is paralyzed or holder of an arteriovenous fistula for dialysis : Perform blood sampling to the opposite arm.
 Arrange bed protection under the arm.
 Conduct a rapid hand antisepsis .
 Open the bag of sterile compresses.
 Adapting the sampling system and the puncture system then put the pair of non- sterile gloves. Choose a vein by sight and touch.
 Identify the puncture , position and tighten the tourniquet , about 10 cm above. Practise the patient a few contractions of the hand, tapping the vein or massaging the arm in the direction of the venous circulation (wrist, elbow crease ) .
 Perform patient skin preparation with alcohol -soaked and always starting from the puncture site to the outside ( diameter 5 cm) compresses : make a first pass and throw the pad in the beans, then return to the same area with a second compress soaked in alcohol.
 Secure the vein puncture needle bevel facing upward at about 45 ° in the direction of venous return. Puncture the vein.
 Change tubes progressively . Invert the tube several times , with the exception of dry tubes.
 Release the tourniquet .
 mismatching the last tube.
 Remove the needle and dispose of it in a separate container . The rest of the material being thrown into the bean .
 compress the puncture site with a dry gauze about a minute , do not bend the arm .
 Place a compress on the puncture and secure with tape .
 Remove the protective bed .
 Remove and discard non-sterile gloves.
 comfortably Reinstall the patient and, if necessary , serve him a snack.
 Identify the tubes in the patient's room with its labels and transported to the laboratory in bags provided for this effect accompanied requests examinations filled and labeled
 Respect traceability of the examination.

Purpose: With strict asepsis , taking a sample of blood.
When? On prescription.
Who? IDE and specialties Midwife .
- Sample tubes suitable for prescription.
- Complete removal device : puncture system and pump body.
- Clean withers (cleaned and disinfected ) .
- Sterile gauze .
- 1 pair of non- sterile gloves.
- Antiseptic solution of alcohol 70 °.
- Protection from bed.
- Hydro- alcoholic solution for rapid hand antisepsis .
- Plaster fixation .
- Sharps container and sharps .
- After an antiseptic handwashing prepare the necessary materials on a cart or tray own care (cleaned and disinfected ) .
- Place the patient and have the bed protection .
- Conduct a rapid hand antisepsis .
- Open the sterile packaging for easy gripping flawless aseptic .
- Adapting the sampling system and the puncture system .
- Place non-sterile gloves.
- Locate the puncture site positioning and tightening the tourniquet .
- Perform patient skin preparation with alcohol swab , discard the pad , then with a second alcohol-soaked a second pass over the same area compress.
- Puncture the vein for blood sampling .
- Change tubes As .
- Loosen the tourniquet and remove the used needle into the container with the pump for single use ( Vacutainer ® Inventory 36 48 87) , or mismatching if pump body with multiple uses.
- After compression of the puncture site with dry gauze , put in place a bandage.
- Remove the protection from bed and discard gloves .
- Identify the samples and completely fill the right before sending to the laboratory , observing the precautions
Standard .
- Carry out cleaning and disinfection and storage or disposal of the material used .
- Conduct an antiseptic handwash .
- Make written on the back of nursing patient transmissions.

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