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mouthwash.غسول الفم

Published on: mardi 22 avril 2014 //

definition: This is to clean the oral cavity , to the maintenance of a denture or mouthwash. action

- Wash hands .

Bring :

  • - A tougue depressor
  • - Some gauzes
  • - 2 glasses of water solution and rinse
  • - Oral Solution " Givalex .. Sodium Bicarbonate .. "

If prosthesis : door dentures

  • - Towel
  • - kidney bassin
  • - Gloves

  1. - Prepare the solution
  2. - Place the patient half sitting .
  3. - Put the towel around his neck .
  4. - Wrap the gauze around the tongue depressor at its end .
  5. - Soak the compress wash solution.

Clean the oral cavity , proceeding from the bottom to the front of the mouth .
- Palace , teeth, gums, tongue, cheek , lips .
- Change compresses each faces.
- Rinse mouth if the person is using the kidney bassin as spittoon , if not done in the same technique.
- Moisturize lips.

Oral care is very important, if needed repeat 3-4 times / day for people whose function swallowing is impaired and do not feed or very bit orally.

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