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Early signs and symptoms of diabetes type 2 & type 1 .العلامات المبكرة وأعراض داء السكري من النوع 2 ونوع 1

Published on: vendredi 25 avril 2014 //

definition *

Type I diabetes :
Destruction of beta cells from islets of Langerhans leading to insulin deficiency . Process autoimmune , metabolic disease.

Type II diabetes :
Disorder of glucose metabolism or insufficient insulin production, insulin production was of lesser quality or whether a resistance to insulin cells .

Hyperglycemia : the failure or absence of insulin secretion prevents the penetration of glucose into cells or increasing the level of glucose in the blood.

Glycosuria : Presence of glucose in the urine. When the renal glucose threshold reached 0.8 g / L, glucose rejects the kidney into the urine.
Ketone : The cells need energy , lack of glucose they will degrade lipids and proteins leading to the production of ketone bodies that are eliminated by the kidney.
Presence of ketones in the urine.

The glycated hemoglobin :
It reflects glycemic control , hemoglobin fixed glucose on GR and red blood cells having a life of 2 to 3 months that reflects the average blood glucose during the 3 months prior to collection .
It allows to assess the average balance of diabetes in the bio monitoring .

Micro- albumin : urinary assay looking for traces of albumin in urine.
The presence of albumin results in a level of from 30 to 300 mg/24 h , n = < 20mg/24h .
Micro albumin corresponds to the removal of a quantity of albumin in the urine and translated early kidney damage in patients with diabetes.
Review will follow in the reference .

The acétonurie :
The research will acétonurie whether the patient's body needed to degrade fat to compensate for the lack of glucose.
The acétonurie is due to the presence of ketones in the blood from the degradation of fats.
In fact when there is a deficiency of insulin , glucose can not be used by cells to compensate for degraded and fats are used as energy .

Capillary blood glucose :
This is a quick blood test that monitors the evolution back to glycemic control and thus to adapt the speed of the syringe elect.
Capillary blood glucose to monitor the effectiveness of injected insulin .

It allows verif cardiac function and serve as Reference in monitoring the evolution of pathogenic because long-term it is possible cardiac complications.

Fundus :
Review conducted to assess the state of the small vessels of the retina to detect the onset of retinal micro angiopathy .
Search retinopathy is one of the possible long- term complications of the pathogenesis .

* Complications of diabetes *
Microangiopathies :
  • - Retinopathy : decreased visual acuity > blindness
  • - Neuropathy: decreased sensitivity poor perception of pain, heat , cold, risk of trauma
  • - Nephropathy : >> Deficient kidney
  • The macroangiopathy :
  • - Lower limb arterial disease : poor vascularization , chronic wounds
  • - Hypertension , coronary reached .

Dyslipidemia : disruption of lipid which causes an alteration of vessels.

* Signs of hypoglycemia *
Pallor , sweating , tremor , fatigue , dizziness,  , palpitations , headache .Intense feeling of hunger.

* The blood glucose *

- HYGIENE : Wash hands and avt aps gesture, washing the patient's hands 
- Port of glove disposable, non-sterile
- Stitching the patient's finger on the opposite side to preserve the sensitivity of the pulp. Exclude the thumb and index finger to maintain the sensitivity of the clamp.
- Collect a drop of blood on the strip
- Record the result and evaluate
- Clean the drive
- Drain the needle into a collector .

* Missions diabetes network *
- Promoting access to care, coordination , continuity and interdisciplinarity of CEP.
- It ensures a PEC meets the needs of patients, both on health education , prevention of diagnostic and care .
- Participates in public health actions .

* Insulin *

The different types delay / slow / sustained , intermediate , fast / ordinary

Injection zones: Abdo , Arm, Leg

* Dietary Principle *
- Balanced ( proteins, lipids , carbohydrates)
- Adapted according to the agen activity people, its habits alim
- varied
- Source of pleasure

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