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Concepts of rights, health, illness and care According to Virginia Henderson .مفاهيم والصحة والمرض والرعاية ووفقا لفرجينيا هندرسن

Published on: vendredi 18 avril 2014 //

Concepts of rights, health, illness and care .

Definition of a Man
In the holistic view of man is a bio-psycho- social being who is evolving with its environment. This is a unique being able to mobilize resources it can according to the different phases of his life. He is looking for a constant balance and maintaining a quality of life for himself and others.

According to Virginia Henderson , the man is a complete whole , with 14 independent basic needs. It is seen as a bio-psycho- social being who uses depending on its stage of growth and development means or ways of life of its own to meet its needs .

This is a requirement due to the nature and social life; Psychiatry is a craving and internal tension that accompanies deprivation .

Definition of Health ( according to WHO)
Health is a state of complete physical , mental and social , and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

According to Virginia Henderson, is the independence of the person in satisfaction of its 14 basic needs. It must be considered in a holistic vision of the human being , it is the result of a balance between the genetic material , biological, psycho , socio-cultural and spiritual . Health is a state variable fragile fluctuating depending on the different elements that constitute it. The person is always looking for balance, it aspires to wellness.

Definition of Disease ( according to WHO)
Dysfunction psychological, physical and / or social origin, which manifests itself in different forms.
 The perception of the disease is a subjective one ; Indeed , the disease will make you think for some people to the hospital, secondary benefits or otherwise to significant disorders, difficult to manage. Nevertheless, the disease is objective in nature when it comes to alterations functions highlighted by the scientific and technological research .
Person despite these alterations may be health or balance (eg diabetic) because it mobilizes resources to adapt to this new state. If the disease is witness to a disturbance in the body, it is also a sign of its responsiveness and adaptability , it must be viewed in a dynamic and not static vision.

Definition of care (according to Larousse)
The concept of care is take care of yourself, take care of others.
It is to realize common actions for the welfare and the lives of everyone ; this is a satisfactory response to the need for maintenance and continuity of a person's life, a family and a community. As long as the person is healthy, in equilibrium , it satisfies their needs to be autonomous .

The Anglo -Saxon use two distinct terms to describe care :
- CARE ( = take care of ), which means all acts relating to the care of maintenance of Life ( NURSING )
- CURE ( = give care ) that restores health, which repairs (eg, surgery , treatment, dressings, injections ... )

According to Virginia Henderson, is to help the individual patient or health maintenance and / or recovery of health ; or assist in his last moments of life by accomplishing tasks that would carry himself if he had the strength, will, or had the knowledge , and to perform its functions to the help to regain its independence as quickly as possible .

1 commentaires for "Concepts of rights, health, illness and care According to Virginia Henderson .مفاهيم والصحة والمرض والرعاية ووفقا لفرجينيا هندرسن"

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