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VITAL SIGN:TEMPERATURE,PULSE,BP..العلامات الحيوية: درجة الحرارة، النبض،ضغط الدم.التنفس

Published on: lundi 14 avril 2014 //

This is the measure of the body temperature with a thermometer powered . It expresses the degree of body heat in degrees Celsius centigrade said .
Physiological values:
- Body temperature is between 36 ° and 37 ° 5 5

Physiological variations :
- It increases slightly with physical activity , brain work and digestion.
- It varies according to:
•   the menstrual cycle,
•   climate, ambient temperature,
The external body temperature of 0,5 ° to lower the internal temperature .

2 Different methods of measuring body temperature. :
• With a tympanic thermometer :
•   atrial temperature (used for all ages ) is shown against after ENT surgery .
• With a skin thermometer :
•   rectal temperature ( most reliable ) can be used at all ages ; it is against diarrheal indicated for people in carriers of hemorrhoids people, postoperative rectal surgery and preterm infants ,
•   axillary and inguinal temperatures ( used when the rectal temperature is impossible) are indicated against in people too thin ,
•   oral temperature is entered against for babies, children, people with breathing through the mouth ( as takes mouth closed) , unconscious patients , confused or agitated and postoperative maxillofacial surgery.
• With a heat sensor skin :
•   the forehead temperature , using an easy to use , unbreakable and non- toxic material, is less accurate ; it is mainly used in infants and children and against specified in facial burns on the forehead .

Temperature taking is a treatment that includes the taking of vital signs of a patient, as well as taking pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and visual analog scale .

- Systematic monitoring during hospitalization :
•   any patient entering
•   pre , per and postoperative
•   when prescribing or monitoring schedule every 2 hours , every 4 hours , morning and evening (always at the same time) .
- Monitoring of an infectious syndrome :
•   hyperthermia > or = 38 ° 5
•   hypothermia <or = 36 ° 5
•   when chills, sweats , malaise, signs of septic reaction may correspond to the passage of germs in the blood,
•   during convulsions.

- Monitoring of a neuroleptic malignant syndrome due to .

- Knowledge of thermoregulation.
- Knowledge of specific monitoring the temperature indications.

- For hygiene :
•   own compresses and disinfectant ,
•   skin thermometer must be clean and disinfected between each patient and disposable tips are used for tympanic thermometer.
- For the care :
•   cutaneous thermometer, tympanic ,
•   plateau
•   bean
•   lubricant if necessary kind Vaseline + PEN


skin temperature
- The patient is quiet , preferably lying down.
- Check that the column Gallium is lowered into the bulb of the thermometer tip ( for taking oral temperature , the tip is wide and flat ) .
- Leave the thermometer in the patient with a compress on his place if necessary .
- Ask them to keep up a minute.
- After taking the temperature , wipe the thermometer with a compress.
- Read temperature.
- Remove the pad and thermometer in a bean .
- Record the result on the temperature .
- Clean the thermometer after each use in the treatment room, " tank side" :
•   Never use hot water,
•   soaking in antiseptic solution for 10 minutes at least ,
•   brushing ( brush reserved for this purpose ) with non-sterile gloves ,
•   rinsing
•   drying before immersing into the vial of alcohol or store it in an individual case .

For taking rectal temperature where the risk of injury to the anal mucosa is present, the thermometer is individual and remains in the patient's room .
For axillary or inguinal taken temperature, the thermometer must be held for 5 minutes armpit or groin .
For taking oral temperature , the thermometer is placed under the tongue , slightly to one side .

With the exception of making the rectal temperature , all other methods require that the skin is added to the 0.5 ° temperature displayed .

ear temperature
- The ear thermometer captures infrared rays that our body emits .
- Insert the sensor with a disposable cap in the patient's ear .
- Rotate the device 30 ° back to be in front of the eardrum.
- Read the measurement display between 1 and 3 seconds.
- Record the result on the temperature .
- Discard the used tip in the beans.

- Respect the procedure carefully.
- Accuracy of the results obtained to allow the adaptation of treatment or monitoring.
- Analysis of care depending on the person being cared for .
- Awareness of appearance "Responsibility" of this care.


All respiratory movements ; respiratory movement is constituted by inspiration and expiration . The assessment focuses on breathing rate, respiratory frequency and amplitude.

Physiological values:
- Newborn : 40 movements / minute
- Child: 30 to 36 movements / minute
- Adult : 16 to 20 strokes / minute
Respiratory rate accelerates during muscular exertion , stress , emotions , exposure to heat, ... Respiratory rate decreases during sleep or rest ,

- Monitoring of a hospital in order to detect respiratory abnormalities patient
- Respiratory distress syndrome , cardiac or respiratory failure ,
- Monitoring post -operative ...

- A second hand watch.
- Take the respiratory frequency remote physiological variations.
- To the person cared to stand for ¼ hour . Wash hands .
- Counting the view for a minute breathing movements .
- Adults: watch the movements of the thorax or ask the palm of the hand on the thorax.
- In children : undress and starting looking slightly abdominal breathing .
- Record the results .

Distension of the arteries in the blood caused by the thrust of the left ventricle contraction . It allows the determination of the heart rate and the evaluation of the rhythm and the amplitude of the pulsations.

Physiological values: heart rate decreases with age .
- Newborn : 130-140 beats / minute.
- Child: 80 to 110 beats / minute.
- Adult: 70 to 80 beats / minute.
- People aged 55 to 60 beats / minute.
Heart rate accelerates during muscular exertion , digestion , stress, emotions, exposure to heat , pregnancy, and increased body temperature.

- A second hand watch.

- Taking the Pulse remote physiological variations.
- To the person cared to stand for ¼ hour .
- Wash hands.
- Select the place of taking pulse ( carotid artery , brachial artery , radial artery : the most common , femoral artery, popliteal , tibial artery , dorsalis pedis artery and temporal artery ) .
- Place the index and middle fingers on the patient's artery by exerting a slight pressure.
- Count every sensation lifting the artery on a minute.
- Record the results .


Pressure under which the blood circulates in the vessels ; it is due to the force of contraction of the heart, the force of resistance vessels and blood volume .

Tenson blood is expressed by:
- MT or systolic maxima in relation to ventricular contraction ,
- Minimum or diastolic BP in relation to the resistance of vessels during ventricular diastole .
The difference between the voltage maxima and minima voltage is called the differential voltage ; it can be pinched or expanded.

Physiological values:
- Maximum systolic or <140 mmHg.
- TA diatolique or minima <90 mmHg.

BP rises with age:
- Child: 70 mm Hg / 40mmHg .
- 20 years : 110mmHg / 70 mm Hg .
- 50 years : 120- 150mmHg / 70 - 80mmHg .

Physiological variations :
- BP rises with exercise, digestion , stress , emotions , cold ...
- The TA decreases with rest, sleep , heat, pregnancy, ...

- Monitoring or screening for hypo-or hypertension ,
- Hemodynamic a patient in a hospital (if risk of heart failure, postoperative , screening of a shock ... )
- Pathology heart ...

- Voltage apparatus , stethoscope
- Product antiseptic for cleaning and disinfecting the cuff and stethoscope.

- Take blood pressure remote physiological variations.
- To the person cared to stand for ¼ hour .
- Wash hands and then verify that the meter is zero mmHg and close the nut decompression.
- Locate the brachial artery ; place the stethoscope and keep a hand without support .
- Inflate the cuff to 30 mmHg above the systolic usual patient .
- Deflate slowly and smoothly : the appearance of the first sound is the TA maxima and the last sound heard is the minimum TA .
- Record results and cleaning equipment .

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